Thursday, 1 December 2011


  • Hate crimes are committed to intimidate, harm or terrify not only one person but an entire group of people.
  • Under section 318 of the criminal code it is a criminal act to advocate or promote genocide.
  • Under section 319 deals with publicly stirring up or inciting hatred against an identifiable group based on color, race, sex etc.  
  • Main targets of hate crimes include: blacks, gays, Jews and East Indians.
  • Hate crimes can be spread through groups such as the Ku Klux Klan which has been alive over 150 years spreading their hate both mentally and physically to those who are not white.

    Hate crimes are an act to spread hate towards ethnic groups such as religions,race,sexual orientation and even age.Hate crimes can be expressed in many ways such as racism,ageism and many more.They can be spread through groups,internet and even video games.Electronics can be used for a negative beneficial factor but also a positive factor to spread ones thoughts worldwide in just a matter of minutes.


  1. Adam, your blog format is very nice. I'm glad your doing this topic because it is very important in modern day society. Great work!

  2. This is a very chilling subject. I am wondering whether you will be dealing with specific case studies - perhaps in Canada ? Also, what are some solutions, specially in terms of reaching young people. I'm curious - will you be explaining how video games can encourage hate crimes ?

  3. Yes,I will mostly be dealing with specific case studies in Canada and I can explain the encouragement and solutions in future blogs for sure

  4. It's great. I like the picture more because it show's how the society kinda work now a days and how they treat other people or race.
