Sunday, 8 January 2012

My thinking and choice

I thought hate crimes was an interesting topic to explore because of the variety of forms it can come in such as ageism, racism, sexism etc. I never knew hate crimes continued as is today in a regular everyday lifestyle. My concerns is the solutions, I wish there were many different ways to overcome such an issue. I think hate crimes has nothing but a negative impact done onto an individual or a group such as Indians, Blacks, Asians and many more. I believe this is a problem that will never stop because of peoples own thoughts which can not and will not be changed. I can't believe that people would even think such a thing and form groups to spread the hate. I sometimes question myself if these people are even mentally stable. Hating someone on their colour, age or sex is probably the most stupidest thing i have EVER heard.There must be something wrong in a persons mind to hate a group for no reason without even knowing them. They should question themselves and say "why?" because I'm sure if two people are alike in personality but the only different may be sex, religion, race or age. The person most common to that individual will be prefered over the other.

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